(901) 370 2894


Picture this: you’re a local bakery owner who’s worked tirelessly to build a unique brand, known for its special recipe and cozy, welcoming ambiance. Then, suddenly, another bakery opens across town with a very similar name and logo. Customers start getting confused, and your brand, once a symbol of home-style baking, starts losing its unique charm and identity.

This situation is more than just frustrating; it’s a threat to your business’s reputation and the loyal customer base you’ve built. As a local business owner, dealing with legalities to protect your brand is overwhelming. The complexities of trademark law can be vast, and without expert help, you risk making mistakes or missing key steps in protecting your brand. This oversight can lead to time-consuming, costly disputes, taking your focus away from what you love doing – running your business.

At Herron & Associates, we understand the challenges local business owners face in protecting their brand. We’re here to take the weight off your shoulders. Our team will conduct an exhaustive search to ensure your brand stands out and is legally safeguarded. We handle all the trademark registration details, from paperwork to monitoring, so you can keep your oven hot and your customers happy. With our support, you can confidently grow your business, knowing your business’s name and reputation are in safe hands.